December 29, 2023


The Vorpal Sword is a powerful weapon that imprisons slain players in the End. Keeping prisoners trapped in a Vorpal Sword requires refueling from meteor landings. Upon creation, a Vorpal weapon has enough fuel for 14 days. At maximum capacity, a Vorpal Sword can incarcerate a prisoner for 42 days before requiring more fuel.

Key Features:

  • Crafting: Combine a Vorpal Sword Relic with a weapon in an anvil.
  • Fueling: Obtain fuel from meteor auras to maintain imprisoned souls. At current, you must remain within the meteor’s aura for 3 full minutes to refill a Vorpal Sword’s fuel.

Logging out with an occupied Vorpal Sword will cause it to drop to the ground and will eventually despawn, freeing any prisoners