

December 29, 2023

The Civ+ Bible

Welcome to Civ+

Here, the goal is to simulate political ideologies by allowing players to moderate themselves. That means the rules are entirely player-dictated. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for both new and seasoned players, detailing the server’s design philosophy and an in-depth look at the plugins that power our world.

Design Philosophy

Civ+ aims to solve fundamental flaws in the traditional Civ genre while maintaining its spirit. Our primary goal is to create an environment where players can experiment with self-governance and build thriving nations. To achieve this, we provide extensive tools and plugins that empower players to protect their assets, manage their groups, and foster vibrant communities.

Our World: The map is lovingly hand painted. It spans approximately 12k by 12k blocks and features a wide variety of biomes and land features. The Nether is disabled. The world border will fluctuate by several blocks at random intervals, so world border vaults and structures are inadvisable.

Quick Overview of Plugins

  • Citadel: Reinforce blocks with stone, iron, or diamond to make them harder to break.
  • Bastions: Prevent unauthorized block placement and ender pearl teleportation within protected areas.
  • Namelayer: Manage groups, assign ranks, and set permissions for members.
  • Vorpal Sword: A powerful weapon that can send slain players to the End.
  • Meteors: Meteors containing rare materials and powerful artifacts land weekly. You must go to these while holding your prisoners’ souls to keep them trapped in the End.
  • HiddenOre: Ore randomly drops from mining stone blocks based on Y level, preventing x-raying.
  • Sanctuary: Create protected areas that prevent griefing and hostile mob spawning.
  • JukeAlert: Use snitch blocks to monitor and log player activities within a defined radius.
  • EXPloration: With a compass in hand, follow it to a hidden treasure at a random spot on the map. Use this to craft experience.
  • ArthropodEgg: Collect spawn eggs from mobs using a Bane of Arthropods sword.
  • CivChat: Communicate globally, within groups, or privately with other players.
  • Ivy: Reduces the growth rate of cattle and crops. Adds occassional very rare drops when harvesting.
  • Top Shelf: Craft powerful brews using rare ingredients.
  • Means Of Production: An expanded crafting table. Click on the recipe book to see what’s been added.

December 29, 2023


Citadel is a crucial plugin for protecting your structures and belongings. By reinforcing blocks with materials, you ensure they require multiple breaks to be destroyed, adding a layer of security to your builds. Reinforcements require time to “mature”. An immature reinforcement is far faster to break through than one that has had time to mature.

Reinforcement Materials

  • Stone: 50 breaks, 10 minutes to mature.
  • Iron: 250 breaks, 60 minutes to mature.
  • Diamond: 1800 breaks, 24 hours to mature.

Key Commands

  • /ctr [group]: Reinforce a block to a specific group.
  • /ctf [group]: Automatically reinforce blocks as they are placed.
  • /cto: Exit reinforcement mode.
  • /cti: Check reinforcement status of a block.
  • /ctb: Destroy a reinforced block and reclaim materials.

December 29, 2023


Bastions provide the highest level of protection for your territory. Within a Bastion’s radius, unauthorized players cannot place blocks or teleport in or out using ender pearls.

Protection Mechanics:

  • Radius: 10 blocks, extending infinitely upwards.
  • Damage: Bastions can be damaged by attempting block placement, pearl teleportation, or breaking the Bastion block itself.

December 29, 2023


Namelayer is the backbone of group management on Civ+. It allows players to create and manage groups, assign ranks, and set permissions for different group members.

Key Features:

  • Creating Groups: Use /nlcg [GroupName] or the GUI (use /nl to bring up the menu) to create a new group.
  • Adding Players: Invite players with /nlip [GroupName] [Player] or through the GUI.
  • Ranks and Permissions: Customize permissions for Members, Mods, Admins, and Owners. Adjust permissions through the group GUI.

December 29, 2023


The Vorpal Sword is a powerful weapon that imprisons slain players in the End. Keeping prisoners trapped in a Vorpal Sword requires refueling from meteor landings. Upon creation, a Vorpal weapon has enough fuel for 14 days. At maximum capacity, a Vorpal Sword can incarcerate a prisoner for 42 days before requiring more fuel.

Key Features:

  • Crafting: Combine a Vorpal Sword Relic with a weapon in an anvil.
  • Fueling: Obtain fuel from meteor auras to maintain imprisoned souls. At current, you must remain within the meteor’s aura for 3 full minutes to refill a Vorpal Sword’s fuel.

Logging out with an occupied Vorpal Sword will cause it to drop to the ground and will eventually despawn, freeing any prisoners

December 29, 2023


Meteors land weekly on the server, offering rare materials and powerful artifacts. This creates opportunities for wealth and competition among players.

Key Features:

  • Landing Announcements: Meteor landing locations and times are announced server-wide.
  • Aura: Meteors emit an aura that deals damage to players who get close. This aura also provides fuel for Vorpal Swords. The aura dissipates after some time and can no longer be used for refueling.
  • Weekly Schedule: Meteors land weekly, shifting one day forward each week.

December 29, 2023


HiddenOre changes ore spawning mechanics to prevent x-raying. Instead of finding ores naturally, there is a small chance for ores to drop when mining stone, and rates are based on mining depth.

Key Features:

  • Ore Drops: Mining stone at specific Y levels drops ores at different rates.
  • Tool Requirements: Higher level tools yield better drops.

December 29, 2023


Sanctuary fields offer a safe haven for larger communities. They provide mild protection against griefing, prevent hostile mob spawning, and ensure instant logout within friendly zones.

Key Features:

  • Crafting: See the Recipe Book in game for the Sanctuary recipe.
  • EXP Feeding: Expand the Sanctuary’s radius by feeding it EXP.
  • Block Protection: Blocks within the field must be broken 10 times to be destroyed.
  • Permissions: Invite players to the Sanctuary’s reinforced group to grant them access.
  • Naming: Owners can use a nametag to rename Sanctuaries, causing said name to appear on the screen of anyone who enters the field.

December 29, 2023


JukeAlert allows players to monitor activities within their territory using snitches. These devices log player actions and send alerts for specific activities.

Key Commands

/ja info: Shows a log of player events recorded within the snitch’s radius. /ja name [name]: Name a snitch.


Crafted using a noteblock or jukebox with an eye of ender. Noteblock snitches simply send entry alerts, whereas Jukebox snitches log all activity within their radius, as well as send alerts.


While a player is invisible, they do not send snitch alerts to enemy snitches. Their actions will still be logged by logging snitches.

December 29, 2023


Relics are valuable items that provide enchantments or can be used as ingredients for EXP recipes. Players can find relics using compasses or treasure maps. Relics have custom textures provided by the server’s texture pack.

Obtaining Relics:

  • Compasses: Right-click the ground to locate nearby relics.
  • Treasure Maps: Activities like farming, killing mobs, fishing, and mining yield maps that lead to relics.
  • Spending relics: Each relic is assigned its own enchantment and level, which can be combined with items in anvils to imbue that item with the enchantment. If you don’t need the enchantment, it might be wiser to spend the relic in the EXP recipe.

December 29, 2023


Collect and use spawn eggs from mobs by killing them with a Bane of Arthropods weapon. Higher levels of Bane of Arthropods and Looting increase drop chances.

December 29, 2023


Civ+ features a robust chat system for communication:

  • Global Chat: Join with “/g !”.
  • Group Chat: Speak in specific group chats with /g [GroupName].
  • Private Messages: Use /msg [Player] to start a private conversation.

December 29, 2023


Ivy modifies the way crops and animals grow.

Key Features

  • Crops: Crops grow slower than in vanilla Minecraft but continue to grow while you are offline.

  • Biomes and Sunlight: Growth rate varies greatly by biome and exposure to sunlight.

  • Checking Growth: Use a Gardener’s Grimoire to check crop growth rates. (See Recipe Book)

  • Cattle: Animals grow slowly on Civ+, with their growth influenced by the quality of their milieu.

  • Happiness Factors: Includes the block they stand on, nearby animals, and preferred biomes.

  • Checking Happiness: Use a Sheppard’s Grimoire to check animal happiness levels.

December 29, 2023

Top Shelf Brewing

Civ+ offers advanced brewing options for crafting powerful potions using rare ingredients.

Key Features

  • Enhanced Potions: Increase the duration and power of potions by adding more ingredients. For example, a speed potion’s duration is improved by adding more sugar. This is uncapped, but yields diminishing returns.
  • Rare Ingredients: Obtain rare ingredients from harvesting crops to brew complex beverages, which give a variety of effects. These recipes are secrets.

December 29, 2023


An expanded crafting table. Click on the recipe book to see what’s been added.